Please read carefully all of the terms of use for, henceforth referred to as ‘this website’ or ‘service.’
By continuing to use this website you certify that you have read, reviewed, understood, and agree to all of these terms starting from the date you first visited this website. If you do not agree to the terms of use or do not understand any of the definitions or conditions within please cease use of this website immediately.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the terms and conditions then you should contact
This website and all content within is the property of Rowan Collins and the licensors who licence content to be used on this website.
Throughout this document ‘I’, ‘me’, and ‘myself’ refer to Rowan Collins as the legal entity who owns and licences the site content.
All ‘users’ of this website, whether a person or a robot acting on behalf of a person, are also referred to as ‘you’ and ‘yourself’.
The purpose of this site
This website was created and is maintained for the purpose of promoting my business. I achieve this purpose by sharing testimonies, case studies, and my thoughts.
The nature of consultation is that it is never one size fits all. By continuing to use this website you acknowledge the purpose of this website is not to provide you with personalised advice. The content of this website is for general information purposes only.
You should consult with an expert before acting or refraining from acting on any general information you read on this website or the websites linked to from this website.
Any reliance on the site content is at your sole discretion and risk. By accepting these terms and conditions you agree you are solely responsible for any expenses, costs, fees, damages, or other losses you might incur as a result of using or misusing this service.
Availability of the website
This website is free to access and available for users across the world. Efforts are made to keep the website available at all times but some downtime is expected due to maintenance or service provider outage.
You acknowledge that I am not responsible for any expenses, damages, costs or losses incurred as a result of any downtime of any individual part or the entirety of this website.
Acceptable use of the website
By agreeing to these terms of use you agree to behave in a lawful manner. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
- You must not conspire or attempt to compromise or harm the security of myself or any user of this website.
- You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the website or any server, computer, or database connected with it.
- You must not attack the website in any way including a denial-of-service attack.
- You must not include viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or any other material that is malicious or technologically harmful.
- You must not attempt to collect, copy, tamper, or delete any personal data of any users who use this website.
- You must not copy or reproduce any site content without expressed permission by the copyright holder.
If you are unwilling or incapable to comply with one or more of these conditions then you must cease use of this website immediately. Legal action can and will be taken against individuals who breach or attempt to breach these terms of use.
Links to other websites
This site often includes links toward other websites with content which may be helpful for users. I have no control over the content of these websites and they may change or become unsecured at any moment without warning or notice.
By using this website you agree that I am not responsible for:
- The protection of any information you give to these websites.
- Any loss or damage which may come from your use of these websites, or any other websites they link towards.
You agree to release me from any claims or disputes that may come from using these websites. You must read all terms and conditions, privacy policies, and end user licences that relate to these websites before you use them.
Staying secure on the web
Information on this website is provided free of charge and does not require registration or passwords for use or access to this website.
In order to protect yourself from any damages, loss, or harm, you must never provide any details that could compromise the security of yourself or anybody of whom you act on behalf. Do not share any passwords, one time passcodes, security questions, or security answers via any of the forms or chat features on this website.
To protect yourself while browsing the internet it is also recommended you follow the latest security advice from experts. Here are some good practices which are widely recommended:
- Avoid reusing passwords across multiple sites, applications, or services.
- Avoid passwords which are short and predictable such as “password1” or your name and date of birth.
- Create passwords with a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols arranged in an unpredictable order.
- Create passwords that are no shorter than 12 characters but ideally 16 characters or longer.
- Enable two factor authentication and never share authorisation codes with anyone you have not met in person or could not reasonably trust to act lawfully on your behalf.
- Avoid downloading and executing files which appear suspicious whether from this website, another website, or via email.
- Use licensed and up-to-date security software to scan and protect against viruses, malware, spyware, and other forms of attack while on this website and any other website you use.
- Use licensed and up-to-date operating systems for your device and cease to use devices when they no longer receive security updates.
Following these practices will not guarantee the security of your personal data but it may help to prevent several common forms of attack.
By continuing to use this website you agree to remain vigilant in all your online activity to prevent exposing yourself, or those of whom you act on behalf, to any security risks. By using this website you acknowledge you alone are responsible for any expenses, costs, damages, or losses associated with securing your devices and accounts.
Cookies Policy
Cookies are small files stored locally on your device to improve the web.
This website includes cookies to provide its necessary services, but does not use cookies for remarketing purposes.
You can find out more information about how this website collects and processes data in the privacy policy.
All content on this website is legally owned or licensed by myself for the sole purpose of this website. The site content does not belong to you and you must not share, copy, reproduce, or distribute the content without express permission from the relevant copyright holder.
If you would like to use any site content then you must receive consent. You can ask questions about copyright via
The content and functionality of this website is provided with the understanding I am not herein engaged or committed to engage in professional advice or services to you or your business. None of the site content is intended as professional or regulated advice and is for general information purposes only. You remain solely responsible for your use of all site content and acknowledge that any reliance upon the site content shall be entirely at your sole discretion and risk.
While I make effort to keep the site content up to date and accurate, I do not provide any guarantee, condition, or warranty of any kind that the information will be:
- current
- secure
- accurate
- complete
- free from bugs or viruses
By using this website you acknowledge that I am not liable for any direct or indirect losses from the use or misuse of this website and any linked websites, or the application and misapplication of any information contained within.
You remain solely responsible for any expenses, costs, damages, fees, or losses you incur whether actioning or restraining from actioning any general information on this website. These losses may include but are not limited to:
- loss of income or revenue
- loss of salary, benefits, or other payments
- loss of business
- loss of profits or contracts
- loss of opportunity
- loss of anticipated savings
- loss of data
- loss of goodwill or reputation
- loss of intangible property including damage of data or other computer system
- loss of time
While you remain solely responsible for all of the above, I may still be liable for:
- death or personal injury arising from my negligence
- fraudulent misrepresentation
- any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law
These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising under these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Changes to these terms & conditions
Please check these terms and conditions regularly. They may be updated at any time without notice.
You’ll agree to any changes if you continue to use this website after the terms of use have been updated.
Last updated 24 April 2024